This movie stars Jennifer Garner as a woman trying to pick up her life after her fiancee dies unexpectedly. The movie is full of assumed and subtle back story that I found to be very distracting. I didn't "believe" anything that was happening plot-wise. The dialog wants to be good, especially for Kevin Smith, but isn't. The scenes want to flow but instead they crash. Acting was OK, but I never cared much for Juliet Lewis. This might be a decent date movie via Netflix (it was for us) (Who JUST Lowered their Price. Hurray!) but I definitely wouldn't have wanted to see it in the theatre, and I wouldn't buy the DVD.
Overall, I didn't think it was terrible, but it certainly wasn't 'good' either. Bottom line is that I found myself asking "What?!?!" and "Why??" and "How??" so often that I was distracted from enjoying the film. I give it a 5 / 10.
9 years ago