My Signature Weapon  

Posted by Roland

Your Score: Desert Eagle

You preferred a weapon with 34% power over speed and 63% range over melee.

You use a Desert Eagle.

One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.

The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by inurashii

Shrek 3 at Manassas Cafe Theater  

Posted by Roland

A while ago Violet bought some cheap movie tickets from a solicitor that came to our door. I know, bad idea. But anyway, we went tonight. Normal movie price was $7.75.

It has 4 screens and is in terrible condition. Many of the ceiling tiles showed heavy water damage, the general decor was old and dirty, random plumbing parts were missing from the bathroom stalls, boxes and junk were strewn about, and overly large movie cut-outs were used as walls. They also feature a "dinner theater" where you can watch the movie while eating dinner. I'm not sure I'd care to try that though... I doubt they have an "A" rating for food prep. I did however get a free pinball game because the 50cent machine apparently was already paid for or a bonus game was awarded that no one continued. Instead of "Theater Seating", this theater featured "Dip" seating. The middle rows are lower than the front or rear rows, and the screen is higher up. its an interesting, if very old, way to seat people. No stairs involved too. I kinda liked the concept. The drink holders were attached to the rear of the seats that were in front of you instead of on the armrest like I'm used to. The parking lot was small and part of a small strip mall but there was amble parking since it was Wed evening.

We were the only 2 people in the movie. The popcorn was good but since I'm semi-dieting I didn't order any other junk food. The seats were comfortable enough but I noticed some of the seats weree ripped out or in dire need of repair/replacement. Its kinda like the place you'd see a Live Rocky Horror Picture Show being played, but alas, all they offered was a poster for that event.

Shrek The Third was pretty decent, I laughed out loud a few times. I liked the general story. The animations and voice acting were fantastic. It was a little predictable in places, but I liked how things generally wound up. I don't think I liked 3 as much as 1 or probably 2, but it was worth seeing. I recommend it.

Pirates of the Caribbean  

Posted by Roland

The company took us all to go see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Friday. I thought it was a good movie, but not "great". It had a lot of stuff in it and was a pretty long movie. Definitely worth seeing. I thought it was a little too much stretching on the weird myth stuff and a little light on the actual piracy side. Oh, there were some good piracy-type scenes, but they were forced and short while not blending in too well with what was going on. I did like how they spotlighted so many characters throughout the movie, giving them their chance to shine. I didn't care for the ending. Perhaps the DVD will feature an alternative that better suits my non-tragic romantic side. The movie featured lots of gross stuff and violence, but the only bare skin was 5 seconds of Keira Knightly's knee. Oh, also, it's a Disney movie, so the previews were somewhat questionable. Even Underdog. That's not the kind of thing I would make up.

Busy Busy Busy  

Posted by Roland

Since Ive been working late a lotta night this past week (66 hours) and the one before that, I haven't had too much time to do much else.

Company Softball game was Sat. I thought there'd be a lot of people (30 or so signed up) but like a 1/3 of them dropped so we were short 2 full teams. I did prtty good as first base and pitcher, hit a triple, home run, and left-handed batted a single. We didnt keep track of points though since we were all there to just have fun.

I FINALLY fulfilled my goal of having a pool table with a ping pong table on top Sunday. Craigs list had one for sale (2002 Old Chicagoan drop pocket billiard, 3/4" slate, really good condition with table tennis table that goes on top. Included all balls, paddles, cues, etc. ) New this stuff would be like 2k or so, but I bargained his asking price of 850 down to only 750. Sweet!
Best of all, I finally was able to use my trailer.

Moving it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I had three friends from work that I game with help out and the four of us carried it out the owners backyard without an issue. The fence and gate presented a problem, and we tilted it sideways and slid it on some carpet covered grass to get it past the fence part. Unfortunately, some of the varnish on the side rubbed off. doh.
Then we carried it to the trailer and hauled it back home (the previous owners lives about 15 miles south of my house) without issue. We didn't want to try and truck it through the garage or front door, so for now the table lives in the garage. I'm going to try VERY hard to not use it as a shelf.

Lastly, I reactivated our City of Heroes/Villains accounts. Violet and I are playing at random times when she can stomach it. I miss CoH/V. Its my favorite MMO (for now).

Company Picnic  

Posted by Roland

Sat was our company picnic. Violet and I had a pretty good time. Since we dont really have any friends yet we kinda wandered around talking with different people. She usually hung around the many other pregnant woman and new mothers. For myself, I pretty much stayed near the giant air-arena thing. Kinda like those things the kids jump in, but there were three. A huge maze for little kids, which I though was cool, and the normal party jump thingy. But between them was a open square jumper with 2 pylons in the middle. With it came two 6' tall cushioned battle arena jousting gladiatorial combat staffs of honor. Or whatever you call it. But it was fun. Unfortunately they 10yr old kids thought so too and took up most of its time. The adults didn't get to play very much :(

There was pretty good burgers, hot dogs, and bbq chicken there, as well as chips, beans, and trays and trays of cookies. They had ice cream too but i didnt have any :( It was kinda warm, around 75 ish, and mostly overcast, so it was a pretty nice day overall.

I also got a pretty cool bag-thing that had an inner lining for keeping ice and cold drinks like a cooler, but also had several more pockets and compartments for stuff too. Nice coloring and design, its a cool bag.


Posted by Roland

I would like to take this opportunity to direct you to my wife's site for Sonogram pics. That is all.

SpiderMan 3  

Posted by Roland

My company took us (and our signigicant others) to see Spider Man 3 last friday (release day). We had the whole movie screen room to ourselves. K-nifty.

I liked the movie. I though the acting was very good and the special effects were great. The storyline was OK, could've been better in some areas. My main dislike was the theme.. it was kinda forced and didnt flow very well. "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" worked really well for the first film, but this "friends and forgiveness" or whatever they were doing didnt work well. A few people clapped when Bruce Campbell graced the screen. I guess only a geek would know why. I didnt know he could do a french accent. it was ok.. not great. Too much drama between MJ and Peter. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Geeez. BTW, What Peter did.. totally stupid. I was happy to see Bryce Dallas Howard, even though she had blonde hair.

It wasn't as good as 1 or 2, but it was still good. I reccommend it.

New Web Comic  

Posted by Roland

I've been reading this for a while now. When I first learned about it I read a few strips somewhere in the middle and was kinda lost. Its like a soap opera I guess. But since I started from the beginning I've enjoyed Too Much Information a lot more. I've added it to my Web Comics favorite links on the right. Enjoy!