Violet's favorite thing to do for Xmas is to look at lights. New England homeowners appear to "get it" and we've seen some really nice lights this year. Nothing as good as the crazy light guy at the top of the hill in Escondido, but he was special. Anyway...
We went to this supposed amusement park/light extravaganza called Edaville. It was South of Boston a ways, just a few miles from the King Richard Faire in fact. Since we had a doc appointment in downtown Boston we decided to visit the Red Robin down South since our proximity wasn't too much farther and Violet LOVES Red Robin. There aren't any anywhere near here North of Boston. But they might be building one next year. Anyway, the park probably 89 mins from home, which is a good distance but not too bad.
Apparently our camera works pretty crappy in the dark while moving. They had a train that took us around the entire park and I took several pictures. But they all turned out blurry or too dark though. Bummer deal.The lights were OK.. Here's Violet near a pair of animated kissing reindeer (Rudolph finally gets some). It was mainly a park for small kids, maybe under age 10. Its a cranberry farm outside the winter months, apparently. We went on the Ferris wheel and the carosel and I tried Fried Oreos for the first time (The more you ate, the better they tasted).
The train ride was OK. Here's a pic of me in front of a train they had on display. I have the same model train (HO scale). Oh you didn't know I did model railroads? Oh my yes. I have lots of trains, many of which are antique, miniature houses and activity scenes, lights, and US-1 Electric Trucking. Its like a racecar track but you control semi's and you can backup on special tracks to load and unload stuff like logs and gravel and such. I loved it as a kid. I had it setup on a large pool table cover in the garage back when we lived in SoCal, but alas, I haven't had the space to build it back up. :(
We wont go back unless we have some small kids to tote along, and the 14 dollar cover price was a little steep, but overall it was a nice time spent together. And I suppose that what really matters.
9 years ago