This was a weekend to complain about.  

Posted by Roland

I bought a bunch of candy for trick or treaters and decorated the front of the house with lights, a lit cauldron, and some hanging decorations. I even left work early so we wouldn't miss any early trick or treaters. Only 2 families came. The first was a guy with a white kitchen trash bag, A woman I presume was his wife, and 3 kids. They were all wearing sweats and casual clothes. NO costume effort whatsoever. Very dissapointing. I already had the snack size Kit Kat's in my hand though, so I gave each kid one. I didn't give the adults any. Then we waited. And waited. And Waited. No one came. Very dissapointing. I also later found a kit kat wrapper on our sidewalk. Bastages littered our yard with our candy that they didn't even earn. Very irksome. I personally think that the dad took a Kit Kat from one of the kids and ate it right there, and then littered the warpper in our yard. Grrrr.

Since the outside lights are tied to the same switch as the frontroom light, around 9pm the outside lights were still on. There was a knock on the door. It was a little late to trick or treat, but at least the family that was at the door were in costume. Not good ones, mind you, but some effort was applied. I checked to make sure it wasn't the same family that had visited earlier.

And that's it. 2+ hours of waiting and only 2 groups of 3 kids showed up, and then only half were in costume. As a result, I ended up eating an entire bag of snack-size reese peanut butter cups(Bad week to go back on my diet) as I played the Witching Event in Warhammer Online...

Which leads to my second complaint. The Warhammer Online Live Event, Witching Night, sucked. Just like the rest of the game, its heavily dependant on people. Since people suck, the event sucked. I got a whole bunch of Gobbo masks, but due to the design flaw of requiring everyone in the rvr area to also be in the PQ area to get kill points towards the Lord boss, I was unable to complete that particular Halloween achievement. The bad guys would typically just run out of the PQ area. As a result, it took hours and hours to get 100 enemy kills. The Lord that spawned in the 2nd stage of the PQ died in a matter of seconds. Since so many people were in our warband, I ranked #24 and got no loot whatsoever for my 3-4 hours of dedication. Figuring I just got a bad roll, I tried the same thing Sunday evening, but once again, after hours of PQing, the enemy just kept running back out of the PQ. I came up with the idea to have everyone in our warband hide behind the hills, out of line of sight, so the enemy would advance, and then we could flank/ambush them. It would have worked but as I mentioned earlier, people are stupid. Guys on our side kept going up towards the bad guys, giving them kills or killing enemies that didn't count towards the PQ kill count. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry. Just know that people suck.

While it was cool to actually RvR, take Battlefield Objectives, defend a Keep, and be part of a max size warband, I worry for Warhammer sometimes, espeically as I read the Warhammer Alliance forums.

Bottom Line: A lot of effort was spent this weekend for very little reward because people suck.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 03, 2008 at Monday, November 03, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I agree with everything you said about the live event. It was a very bad design decision to limit the PQ to a small area when the requirements of the PQ were about killing the opposing players. There should have been a mix of NPCs for people to attack and defend against, plus it would have spiced things up if the NPCs also attacked the opposing faction NPCs (see Tabula Rasa for good NPC battlefield scripted areas - despite what anyone thinks of TR, the NPC battlefields conveyed an active war very well).

While we're on the subject of PQs, I have to say they were good on the onset, but since they need to be grinded to get the INF rewards, they pretty much suck now. I think the quick and easy solution would be to 1) cut the INF requirements to get the rewards from the Rally Master by 75%. I don't think players should have to do the same PQ more than twice to get the top tier Rally Master rewards. Repetative grinding is not fun - period. And 2) put in more PQs per zone to offset the reduced PQ grind time. These two solutions will garner renewed interest in PQs and make them seem less of a grind and more of a viable and fun play option.

And as for RvR and Keep Sieges, making open RvR have double or even triple Realm Point rewards as compared to scenarios and have several more ways to get RvR reward loot would do a lot to get people RvRing over scenario grinding.

Just my 2 gold worth.

1:27 PM

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