Rock Band, Gaming, and Winterizing  

Posted by Roland

I should really update this blog more often.
Anyway, I finished Rock Band, with a usual drum percentage of 88-92% for most songs. Not great, not bad though. The kick drum kicks my ass for some reason.

Other than that I have no updates. I come home, take care of drake and provide/cook dinner, and then goto sleep. No games, no blogs, not really a whole lot going on right now.

Drake's been pretty fussy lately.. Violet has all the details so there's no need for me to repost them here.

Violet has graciously given me thurs nights off so I can game. I'll be in Dark Heresy (warhammer 40k rpg) every odd thurs, and I just recruited players to play in my evil rises campaign on even thursdays. I hope this game last longer than the last one.

I finally got a chance to winterize the house. Basically I buy the cheap window insulation kits at home depot and keep them on all summer. for 4 bucks I get 3 window sized sheets of plastic and some adhesive. I outline the window frame with the double sided adhesive, then I put the plastic on, and then I hot air blow dry it to make it tight and remove wrinkles. There's some minor glare, but mostly you don't notice its there. This provides a layer of air between the glass and the plastic. It works pretty well, and is easily removed once winter is over, though I suppose you could keep it for summer use too. I did 3 windows in the bedroom and it made a noticeable difference. I also did the kitchen but since I didnt do the sliding glass door their effectiveness is somewhat questionable. I've been doing this for a few years now and I think its well worth the minor cost and effort. I couldn't find a link on home depots website to the product, but they have lots of other window insulation kits available, including film that gets applied directly to the glass.

Now I just need to find my receipt so I can have warranty service done on my seized snow thrower.

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 01, 2007 at Saturday, December 01, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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