I dont even remember whats happened in the last week or two... excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, full work load, and taking care of wife and newborn have all contributed towards my lack of updates. I'm not even on my computer much anymore (I type this on a laptop in the nursery, in fact). I havent played a game in I dunno how long. I'd like to check out Half Life 2 and Team Fortress 2, but with Violet not working I cant justify the cost right now since I wouldn't have time to play them anyway. LOTS of people at work have been playing TF2.. I hope to join them at some point. In other news, EA bought Bioware / Pandemic. I think this is pretty awesome, myself. Well, Drake's starting to fuss (no surprise there) so that's it for this update.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, October 14, 2007
at Sunday, October 14, 2007
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