A few weekends ago , like, 2 or 3, I decided to use my mowers bagging system.
This was mistake #1.
Although I'm happy a ton of dead grass isn't lying around the yard, its collection meant that I had to stop the mower every time it got full. Or clogged. which happened a LOT due to the grass being wet and tall. I ended up with about 20 bags of grass. Sorry, I have no pictures because I forgot to take any.
It took 4 HOURS.
The headlights work fine, BTW. It took so long that night fell before I was done.
Important tip.. if you're mowing the grass and don't have the cutter engaged, the grass just lays flat and uncut. Even if you drive over it 5 times trying to figure out why no progress is being made.
That was mistake #2.. probably wasted about 10 mins doing this.
When during the course of mowing history you find yourself wielding a machete(Yes, I have a machete.. what of it?) to cut off low branches from trees and bushes, be wary of random police cars driving by. This didn't happen to me, but it could of. I'm just sayin...
Kitchen bags do not fit (well) inside the mower's bagging system. They just don't.
Mistake #3
You can't trim grass with a cordless trimmer if there's no actual cord in it. This is likely true of corded and gas powered trimmers too.
Mistake #4
Don't wear your normal work shoes for mowing the grass, especially when its wet, and even more especially if the shoes are not water poof.
Mistake #5
The following weekend I bought some cord and spent another 30 mins or so trimming the edges. I'm still not done (I ignored the drainage ditch) though because the battery doesn't last as long as I recall. I have a 2nd charger and 2 extra batteries, I just don't know where it all is.
I just bought new shoes this weekend.
9 years ago